Friday, September 30, 2011

PS3 vs 360

Ok, a lot of people have strong opinions on this and Ill say off the bat for all those PC guys we all know PC can do better if you have the right system. But that requires a bit more money and maintenance than throwing down cash once (or so you hope) on a counsel and running with it. I own both systems and enjoy each for their own special abilities.

Reliability (TIE)
People say that the 360 (prior to the slim) break more frequently. Well I am on my 2nd unit on both systems. So in my experience they are equal. As far as the slims go (for both systems). The 360 has a 1% fail rate and the ps3 has a 5% fail rate. Both are low numbers that I dont think you need to worry about.

Gimmicks (PS3)
This is the Kinect vs PlayStation Move. Here I find the Move to be more accurate and enjoyable with a better variety of games. now I am talking
GAMES here. For workout games the kinects full body tracking tracks your pushups and so on better, but they have really catered to kids and teen girls (I feel). Where as the move has "hard core" games and the fore mentioned kid stuff.

On line capability (360)
The 360 is where you want to go here if you are an avid online gamer. You need to pay for the subscription, but it shows that your money is not going to waste with a more user friendly system (easier to set up matches and find friends) that doesn’t crash on you or take forever to load updates.

Extras (PS3)
Here ps3 is the clear winner with the best 3d Blu-ray player with the best dvd up converter on the market so far.

Visuals and sound (???)
The ps3 has the capability of the best visuals and performance as it is on Blu-ray, but only if the programmers take advantage of it. Most will simply create one port for a game on both systems. So the ps3 exclusive titles are the only place this will really shine. That being said, the PS3 is more difficult to program for (so I hear). For example, Dead Island was more glitchy on the ps3 than the 360 because the programmers were more comfortable with the 360. So a game may come on one Blu-ray disk on ps3 rather than say, 3 dvds on the 360. But dont assume that makes it better.

Controller (360)
seriously Sony.... two analog sticks at the bottom of the controller next to each other. did you think wed never need to use any of the other buttons. Perhaps its just because I owned my 360 for 2 years longer than my ps3, but I just cant seem to make the adjustment well at all.

Exclusive titles (???)
What do you like to play. It seems that out the gate PS3 had more RPGs and Racers and 360 had more shooters. both have sort of expanded a bit, but I think 360 still makes a better shooter and ps3 makes a better racer.

Kid friendly (here comes a curve ball)
I say get a Wii if you want kid games. Kinect is to complicated for my younger kiddos to navigate menus. Mostly because when the kids are playing there is way too much motion going on and confusing the poor thing. Like my 2 year old is running around the room, or my 4 yr old up and down with excitement while her 5 yr old sister trys ever so hard to control the menus. It also has problems finding small people in some games. ps move controllers are too expensive for kiddos to get all sticky and you cringe to see them throw them down. Wii has a great stock of good games for kids, and the less expensive (and sometimes free with the purchase of select games) controllers come with a super padded gel case!

Well there you have it. I guess you can see why I have both. I also own a Wii. but thats just for my Zelda and classic gaming fix. The only people who need a Wii need it for nostalgia playing, or for younger kids.