Wednesday, October 12, 2011

RAGE * * **

There is something to be said about a hard game. It is fun and gives a good challenge. If a game is too simple there is no sense of accomplishment. Rage is not a hard game. It is IMPOSIBLE... I have uttered the worst words I know as I play that D** sniper level (at the start of the game) time after time after time... So finally I decide to lower the difficulty and give it a go. IT MADE NO CHANGE! ok, so perhaps this is the one game Im not good at sniping, lets give something else a try, lets earn some cash running an errand in a dune buggy on a time limit. After several bad attempts, and a few flawless (no crashing using my boost as often as I can between refills) attempts and a lot more bad words with no success, I decide to try A card Mini game in the local pub. Lets just say it gives the advantage to the player who takes the 2nd turn and you always go first. Just blasting through the story seems to be the only way to go here without wanting to throw your controller through the screen. That being said, I snuck up on a baddy used a pistol scope I purchased at a local weapons outlet store and put the cross hairs square on his head. Did I get a head shot? NO!!! Time and time again with perfect aim and unawares baddys It seems to randomly decide if I deserve a head shot! so far it graced me with ONE. . . . Sure the game looks pretty, but it can be upsetting. Yet for some reason I find myself drawn back...for now. I say, get Borderlands instead. If you already have it, play it again unless you have an anger fetish.
Ok, so how does it play. Well... It is a mesh of fallout and Doom. It has towns to visit with people to talk to and shops, mini games, side quests etc... like any self respecting RPG will have. But it is a fast paced shooter with not as many areas to explore. Getting from mission to mission is in a vast wilderness in a dune buggy that you can upgrade to your liking via shops (only with racing credits, not regular cash). But once you are in the mission area it is more like going down passageways and shooting baddies with secret areas to discover peppered in (what do you expect from the people who bring you Doom and Wolfenstine). There is no skill tree for you or your items. Your weapons upgrade via purchases at shops and you can also purchase alternate ammo for fun effects. You can also build trinkets and bots to assist you once you find the proper parts and buy the instructions.