Monday, January 9, 2012


I was going through some of my old toys and came across a game my friends Josh Jarvis, David Anderson and I came up with when we were about  12. It uses army style micro machines and was really fun (or so I remember). I figure Id mail myself the originals in certified mail, and now that they are back (just in case anyone decides to make a profit on this I can prove it was our idea) I will post  them for everyone’s FREE enjoyment.  Now the attraction to this game for me as a 12 year old was that it was cheap  and easy to understand. We came up with this long before we learned of  games like “War Hammer” , Mage knights,   “Pirates” or any of the others I have come to enjoy over the years. So  I am extremely proud of my 12 year old self. That said, my 28 year old self recognizes a flaw  or two that I will cover at the end of the  instructions.  Now without further ado, I bring you . . . “Micro Wars”
Each player will need:  2 six sided dice, a 12 inch ruler,  1 “Micro Machine” base, “Micro Machine” troops and vehicles as desired . To set up, establish a landscape and (mountains, water, hills ect) using your imagination, or landscapes you create.


The object of the game is to take out the other players bases by disabling all the missiles. If you run out of time for this the player who controls the most undisputed land wins.
Bases: Base missiles can fire 2 ruler lengths and have 30 hit points. You may build up to 4 outposts within 72 inches (6 ruler lengths)  of your base in land you control. Outposts function as  hospitals and help hold your territory You may also re locate a helicopter pad to an outpost at the time it is built. You may forfeit one turn to build one outpost.  One out of three missiles you control can be hauled by a land vehicle within 84 inches (7 ruler lengths) of your base and dropped/picked up at any time if it is not destroyed.

 Battles: Defender rolls first (not sure how this matters, but to 12 year olds it did). You may attack at a 2  attackers to 1 defender ratio and roll 1 dice per unit. Each successful hit does 2 damage Ties go to the defender.  (28 year old note: it seems like for each one the attacker rolls they  need to  take 1 damage for a backfire)

Tanks- move 18 inches measured from the front of the tank. They may fire 24 inches measured from the tip of the barrel. Their hit points are 10. Tanks may not cross water unless Amphibious (determined by how the tank looks). Amphibious  Tanks only fire 12 inches on water.

Hover Crafts- move 18 Inches measured from the front of the unit. They fire 12 Inches measured from the front of the unit and have 10 health.

Boats -  move 12 inches measured from the front of the vehicle. They may fire 12 inches measured from the front of the vehicle and have 10 hit points.

Medics- move according to their class type and may heal everything in a 12 inch radios 4 points if the unit being healed forfeits its turn. Medics may not heal Medics, helicopters, or Jets.

Troops- may move 6 inches and may only attack vehicles if there are at least 6 together. They attack 6 inches away unless attacking a helicopter pad, only in this situation may they attack 12 inches away to destroy the helicopter pad with 3 hit points.  Troops primary function is controlling land. They have 5 hit points. Troops may choose to give up one turn to “dig in”. Dug in troops roll 2 defensive dice.  Once a troop moves it is no longer “dug in”.

Helicopters-move 36 inches measured from the center of the blades and fire 12 inches  measured from the nose. They have 20 health. You must have one helicopter pad for each helicopter in play. Helicopters may heal 4 points at a helicopter pad for each turn it sits there without moving or attacking. Helicopters may only fire upon land and sea units.

Jets-move 24  inches measured from the front of the vehicle. And fire 24 inches measured from the front of the vehicle. They have 12 health.  Jets may land at base to heal 4 points each turn it does not move or attack.  

Transports-Each player assigns up 3 units to be a transport units at the start of the game if they desire. You may only have one transport that is a Jet  or helicopter, one that is a Boat, and one that is a Hover Craft  or Tank or amphibious Vehicle.  All transports move 48 inches measured according to unit type. Transport units may no longer attach or be attacked and helicopter transports no longer require a helicopter pad. Transportation units may carry 1 tank and as many troops as desired. They also function as medics.
Thoughts from 28 year old me. . .

I haven’t play tested this game since I was 12. So here are some variants I added above that may or may not make it more balanced. When we played this game I think we figured the more cash you had to spend on “Micro Machines”, and the better packs you found, the better advantage you had. I know now just what good friends we were to be able to allow this to slide and still enjoy the game without tearing each others throats out. The units need a point value to even out the battle field. Without play testing  I do not wish to submit values at this time. This same theory went into bases. It was curtail to find the toy that had a lot of missiles/ helicopter pads ect. . . I already added the modification to correct this in the “bases” section. I also had reference to Healing rules and refer to transports as medics in my original rules, but wasn’t sure how they worked. So I created the “medic” unit because I recall “Micro Machines” made medical units and I am sure we used them.  All I had for healing rules is that any unit but troops can give up its turn to heal 4 points. Oh yeah, and “Micro Machines” aren’t sold in stores anymore (bummer). But on the bright side, the rules can be applied to about anything! you wanna make cardboard cut outs of bases, units ect... BOOM! you got a game! Or go to ebay. . .

I hope you enjoy the game. And please let me know what you think! If David or Josh read this please let me know if I forgot anything. . .