Monday, November 5, 2007

BioShock * * * * *

What can I say about this game other than WOW!! I was not really sure If Id like this game or not. Every time that I went to a game store and asked for a good game with great graics They allways say Gears of war or Bioshock. So I went to look at the boxes and the Bioshock box looked soooooo lame that i never considered it. On the front its got a tunnel driller dude and on the back It showed a puzzle with some other random game shots so Im picturing a lame kids puzzle game. Well finally i went in looking for a creepy horror game and they suggested Bioshock, well this made me curious so I rented it. Its definatly NOT a kids game (Oh the glorious GORE!), and its not too scarry, but it is definatly creepy. When you see a woman yelling into a stroller about how wicked the baby is and you find a gun there, or see someone tugging away at something on his head saying "I tear them off and the just grow back" This game is cool! Visually I give it a solid 10 best Ive seen so far on the 360! The Sound is fantastic, another solid 10 that adds to the "jump factor" when you hear someone coming up behind you or crawling on the walls in surround! The story has great depth that leaves you guessing whos side you shd be on. Games with story as good as this are a great raraty. The way the story unfolds durring gameplay cant be beat. Unlike Halflife where you have long boring story in game where you need to stay put, in this one you listen to audio journals you find allong the way that you can kill baddies and move on while listening!

You find yourself stranded in an underwatter Utopia gone wrong in the year 1960 where the baddies have great AI and are survivors of the utopia who have all gone crazy as a result of genetic experementation so some are mutates while others are victims of a psycho Plastic surgen who says, "I do what Picaso did with the brush with my scalpull"

You get to short circut & hack guard bots and you have a great arsenel of guns along with genetic enhancements that allow you to freeze and smash your foe, shock them (extra fun when a groupe of them are in a puddle), Start them or the enviornment on fire (fire spreads!), use telecenesis to return unwanted gernades and so much more!

In closing, If you find yourself thinking that this game looks lame like I did, download the demo or rent it ASAP. And as allways PLEASE leave comments with your impressions of the game!