Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Excite Truck * * * * *

Can I get a WOOT! this game rocks! A MUST GET for all yalls WIIs. This is sooo fun. First lets talk about game play, for nothing els you need it to show your friends how cool the wii controllers are because you steer by turning your "wii mote" on its side and treating it like a steering wheel! This may be old news by now, but to those who have yet to try it, YOU GOTTA TRY IT! And when your in the air you tilt it forward and back to controll your air and landing. If you land well you get a boost of speed making the mastery of jumps necesarry to win the game. You can gain stars by geting good air, doing mid air spins, placing well, raming opponents off the road and more. Stars are then used to unlock cars and levels. This game has soooo much to unlock it is great. I find that if a game has nothing to unlock it looses my intrest faster. I got this game with launch and still enjoy playing it agenst friends. Visually it is pretty standard for the wii. If thats not enough to convince you, each track has its little secrets and shortcuts..... SO GET IT!